Mercedes-Benz & First Facilities Management

Streamlining Customer Service in the Auto-parts Division through Centralised Ordering and Locker System

Background: Mercedes-Benz Auto-parts division faced a challenge with an increasing number of customers waiting for parts on-site, leading to congestion in the parking areas. The division recognised the need to implement a more efficient system to manage customer orders, reduce waiting times, and enhance overall customer satisfaction and contacted First Facilities Management to look for a solution.

Objective: Garran recommended to First Facilities Management the implementation of a streamlined SMART Locking system that allows clients to order parts remotely, either by phone or online, through the central services department. The ordered parts would then be securely stored in lockers at various sites, ensuring a seamless and organised process for both customers and staff.

Implementation Steps

  1. Ordering Process:
    • Customers can place orders by phone or online through the central services department.
    • Central Services consolidates the orders and contacts the respective sites for part retrieval.
  2. Locker System:
    • Two types of lockers were implemented - Classic and Premier - across different sites.
    • Classic and Premier lockers offer secure storage without any external branding for confidentiality.
  3. Order Fulfilment:
    • The sites receive orders and place the requested parts in the designated lockers.
    • Each locker is associated with a unique code, ensuring secure storage and easy retrieval.
  • Reduced on-site congestion and waiting times for customers.
  • Enhanced efficiency in order processing and fulfilment.
  • Improved customer satisfaction through a streamlined and secure locker system.
  • Two sites serve as successful models for the implementation.
Through the installation of the SMART Locking system, the Auto-parts division successfully addressed the challenge of on-site congestion and customer wait times by implementing a centralised ordering and locker system. The careful selection of the SMART Locking solution contributed to a discreet and efficient process, ensuring customer satisfaction. The division is well-positioned for further expansion and success in serving customers more effectively.

Client Testimonial:
“First Facilities Management were contacted by our client, Mercedes Benz, to provide a solution to the issue of parts not being able to be collected outside of working hours, which was causing congestion at the parts counters during the daytime. We engaged the help of Garran to provide a smart locker solution, enabling customers to collect parts outside of hours from various locations, and for Mercedes Benz to be able to streamline this process.
The smart locker solution was implemented quickly, on budget and to the end client’s satisfaction.”

Kevin Davies, Managing Director First Facilities Management Ltd.

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